
Ecological Services

Our experienced ecologists will advise you on the most appropriate type of survey for your needs.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)

A PEA identifies the likely ecological effects of development. Our ecologists will quickly identify if there is a need to consider protected species (bats, dormice etc.), invasive species (such as Japanese knotweed), or issues relating to Statutory nature sites (such as the South Hams SAC). Early identification is essential for informing scheme design and avoiding unnecessary expenditure and delays to your project.

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal includes;

  • Desk Study. A review of pre-existing ecological data relative to your site.
  • Ecological Appraisal. A site visit to record habitats and identify signs of, or potential for, protected species and other features of ecological interest.
  • Written Report. A report is then prepared following the most recent guidelines (CIEEM) including survey methodologies, appraisal results, impacts evaluation and recommendations**. We will also advise ways to improve the site for biodiversity and enhance the sites' value to wildlife post construction.
  • Habitat Map Showing Features Of Interest.

**The results of the survey may identify the need to carry out additional survey work to fully evaluate a sites ecological value and any potential impacts. If further surveys are required these will be discussed with you.

Ecological Impact Assessment(EcIA)

EcIA is a process of identifying, quantifying and evaluating the potential effects of a development on habitats , species and ecosystems, and takes into account the findings of a PEA and any subsequent surveys. We carry out Ecological Impact Assessments as standalone documents for smaller developments or for inclusion as a chapter in an Environmental Statement (ES) for larger projects requiring a full EIA. Our assessments are carried out according to the CIEEM guidelines.

Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG makes sure development has a measurably positive impact ('net gain') on biodiversity, compared to what was there before development. At Orbis we are fully trained in all aspects of the BNG assessment process, and offer BNG assessments for developments as part of the PEA or EcIA, or as standalone documents. We can offer initial advice to landowners looking to generate biodiversity credits from their land, carry out the necessary baseline surveys and produce a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan to enable the site to be included on the public register.

Other Ecological Services

Orbis Ecology can undertake a range of surveys;

  • Protected Species
  • Hedgerow Surveys
  • Ecological Clerk Of Works (EcOW)
  • Habitat Management Plans
  • Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)